
The video on the right demonstrates how to check your system is ready for the CHaMP Topo Processing Tools and then walks you through the steps to install the ESRI add-in. See below for an itemized list of the software requirements.

Software Requirements

Check the following requirements prior to installing the CHaMP Topo Processing Tools.

ArcGIS Requirements

  • ArcGIS Desktop 10.6.1 or higher (ArcInfo License)
  • Spatial Analyst Extension (installed and Enabled)
  • 3D Analyst Extension (installed and Enabled)
  • Python 2.7 (installed with ArcGIS)

.NET Requirements

Other Requirements

  • Uninstall any previous versions of the CHaMP Topo Processing Tools before installing a new version of the toolbar. This is done from the ArcMap Customize menu and choosing AddIn Manager. Make sure that you close all ESRI products, including ArcMap, before installing the new version.