Verify Channel Units and Clip

After the Channel Units have been digitized as rough polygons, they need to be clipped to the Water Extent polygon and joined with auxiliary data collected from the field survey.

Note: the clipping process now takes place in this tool. Previous versions of the toolbar clipped the channel units in the Stream Surface tool.


  1. Make sure to digitize every channel unit specified in the Auxiliary data for your survey.
  2. Make sure the Vector Editing tool is off, and your edits have been saved.
  3. Click Verivy and Clip Channel Unit Polygons on the Workflow Manager.
  4. Make sure the correct Survey Geodatabase is open.

Step 1: Verify Channel Units

  1. This step will check to make sure your channel units Feature Class exists, contains the correct field schema, and does not contain duplicate channel unit features.
  2. Click Verify. The outcome of the test will be displayed in the textbox. If successfully verified, you may proceed to step 2 if you want to join (or update) the aux data to the channel units, or step 3 if you want to simply reclip the channel units.

Note: Aux data must be joined to channel units the first time they are clipped. This ensures that the channel units are initially matched with the aux data collected in the field. These attributes are also stored with in the Channel Units Field Feature class, so that it is not necessary to re-join the aux data if you want to re-clip the channel units afterwards.

Step 2: Verify Channel Unit CSV

  1. This step checks to make sure the channel unit csv exists and contains channel units that match the number of units in the Channel Units Field feature class.
  2. Click Verify. The outcome of the test will be displayed in the textbox. If successfully verified, you may proceed to step 3.

Step 3 - Join Attributes and/Or Clip Channel Units

  1. If a verified channel unit csv has been specified, then those attributes will be joined. Otherwise, the channel units will be clipped by the water extent polygon.
  2. Click OK to run the tool.
  3. The new Clipped Channel Units layer will be added to the map with attributes from the csv file.
  4. The ‘Channel_Units_Field` feature class will also retain the attributes from the csv file.


  • Make sure Projected\Channel_Units_Field exists in the Survey Geodatabase, or check the checkbox to create a new Channel_Units_Field feature class.