Export Control File

The control file is used to transfer the Control Network (Benchmarks and Control Points) from the previous years topo project to the total station for repeat visits. This allows a site to be reoccupied using the same coordinate system each time a survey is conducted. In addition to the control file (ASCII text format), a DXF file containing map baselayers (currently only the previous year’s survey extent) is produced. This base layer file can be displayed on the total station to help guide the survey.


  1. Make sure the CHaMP data broker has properly obtained the previous year’s topo project for the site.
  2. Open ArcMap.
  3. Open CHaMP Toolbar/Preparation/Export Control File.
  4. Specify the Survey Name (note: best to use the CHaMP Site ID).
  5. Path to the target topo project.
  6. Click OK to run the tool.
  7. The output control file (.txt) and baselayer file (.dxf and companion .dxf.xml) will be located in the same folder as the topo project. Copy these three files to the total station.


  • The Export Control File tool works with CHaMP 2011 and 2012 survey Geodatabases.
  • The topo project must have Projected Control_Points and Projected Survey_Extent feature classes present.