Load Survey Data

The Load Survey Data tool imports point and line data into the survey topo project. The topo project structures data in a standard folder and file format that simplifies data storage and allows the topo processing workflow to run efficiently.

Input Datasets:

Points Dataset Specify the location of the input Point feature class that contains the surveyed points. Point data may be imported from:

Or check the Use Other Point Source Box if:

  • CAD dxf and dwg (i.e. exported from ForeSight).
  • Shapefiles (i.e. from RTK GPS).
  • Geodatabase feature classes.

Point and polyline data should be 3D (z values must be stored in the shape geometry).

Code Field: Name the a Text Field that contains the description codes for the points. Code values have a max limit of 5 characters.

Point Name/Number Field: Text (for alphanumeric values) or Integer field that contains the point name or number as collected by the survey instrument. Alphanumeric point names are acceptable but not preferred.All other fields will not be included with the imported data.

Breaklines: Specify the location of the input Polyline feature class that stores the Breaklines from the Survey. Polyline data may be imported from:

  • CAD dxf and dwg (i.e. exported from ForeSight)
  • Shapefiles (i.e. from RTK GPS).
  • Geodatabase feature classes.

If your data is in another projection (other than UTM Zone 10N, 11N or 12N) make sure the Spatial Reference is specified in the input datasets, and select Projected - Other.

Instrument Type: Specify the type of instrument used to collect the survey data (i.e. Total Station, RTK GPS).

Instrument Model: Specify the survey instrument model or manufacturer.

Imported Coordinate Type: Specify if the survey contains Assumed/Local (Unprojected) or Projected coordinates.

Click OK to Run the tool. This tool may take several minutes to complete.

Note on the topo project structure: The CHaMP Topo Toolbar carefully stores data in very specific folders using a precise naming convention. You should not manipulate the data inside a project yourself, either using Windows Explorer or ArcCatalog. This could cause many of the CHaMP Tools to fail to run successfully or produce unexpected results. You should only ever change the contents of a topo project using the CHaMP Topo Toolbar.

Topo Project Contents

The following outputs will be created based on the specified Imported Coordinate Type:

Unprojected: Data Layers will not be added to the map document. Users must run the Coordinate Transformation Tool to project the data, then run the Apply Symbology Tool to add layers to the map.

Feature classes are created in the “Unprojected” subdirectoy and are appended with “_Unprojected”.

Projected: Data Layers (with applied symbology) will be added to the map document. Do not run the Coordinate Transformation Tool or the Apply Symbology Tool. After checking for errors in the layers you should generate a Survey Extent Polygon.

Feature classes are created in the “Projected” feature dataset.

Projected/UnprojectedFeature Dataset. Stores feature classes based on the specified projection.
BreaklinesAll surveyed lines.
Channel_Units_FieldCrew digitized channel unit polygons (initially empty).
Control_PointsControl points and benchmarks
EdgeofWater_PointsEdge of Water Points (left, right, mid-wetted and bar)
Error_LinesLines with an invalid Description Code. These lines are not used in the processing.
Error_PointsPoints with an invalid Description Code. These points are not used in the processing.
Stream_FeaturesWater Surface (ws) points.
Topo_PointsAll surveyed topographic points (except for Control, Edge of Water, Error, and Stream Feature Points).
LogContains an entry for most tools run. Indicates if the tool was completed successfully or with an error.
QaQc tablesThese tables store quality control/quality assurance metrics calculated from the survey data. Values from these tables are used to improve surveys and data processing in the CHaMP Program.
SurveyInfoContains metadata about the survey and how it was collected.


  • Click the OK button Once and only once to run the tool, even if the tool does not appear to be running. Clicking the OK multiple times could result in an error.
  • The input point file name (i.e. dxf file) has a 100 character limit (excluding the directory path).
  • Description codes have a limit of 5 characters. Make sure all Description codes conform to the CHaMP code list.
  • The imported survey must contain lines (i.e. the specified polyline feature class must have one or more features).