Stream Surface

The Stream Surface tool generates a series of stream models based on the water elevation (edge of water and water surface points), the stream topography (DEM) and wetted perimeter (water extent polygon). These models include a water surface elevation TIN (wsetin), a water surface elevation DEM (wsedem), and a water depth map (depth).


  1. Make sure the following exist:

    • Topographic DEM
    • Water_Extent polygon (wetted polygon)
    • EdgeofWater_Points and Stream_Features (this last feature class can be empty)
  2. Open Create Stream Surface TIN, DEM and Water Depth in the Workflow Manager.

  3. Make sure the correct Survey Geodatabase is open.

  4. Click OK to run the tool.

  5. Review the Water Depth layer with the Channel Units layer to make sure they are generally in agreement (i.e. pools should have a deep blue color compared to riffles, etc.). If you can’t see the new layers, make sure they are visible in the “Table of Contents” and are the topmost layers.

  6. Review the Water Surface TIN (WSETIN). The review of the WSETIN is more straightforward than the review of the Topographic TIN:

    a. Review color banding in WSETIN. The WSETIN should be a continuous ‘rainbow’ of color from one end of the site to the other.

    b. Review the WSETIN for bust or sink points. These will show up as colored pyramids in the WSETIN. > If any error is found in the WSETIN, Go back and edit the Edge of Water Points then, resume processing from Creating a topo TIN from Survey Points.

After you have completed creating and reviewing the Stream Surfaces, you may proceed to Generating Associated and Error Surfaces.


  • The Editor and TIN Editor must be turned off.
  • WaterExtent Polygon feature class must exist in the Projected Feature Dataset.
  • Make sure there are no spaces in the path to the Survey Geodatabase.